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30 juillet 2008

Call for application for post-doctoral fellowship

Bonjour à tous,

Voici une annonce pour un post-doc dans mon équipe, l’équipe CReATIVe du laboratoire I3S à Sophia Antipolis, sur la compression vidéo.

L’annonce est en anglais.

Merci de le diffuser aussi autour de vous, c’est assez urgent. Amicalement, Marie Andrée.

—  Marie Andrée AGOSTINI PhD Candidate in Video & Image Processing

I3S Laboratory - CReATIVe Team 2000, rte des Lucioles - BP 121 06903 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France Phone : (33) 04-92-94-27-85 Fax : (33) 04-92-94-28-98 Email : Web : agostini


Call for application for post-doctoral fellowship

A position for post-doctoral fellowship in digital video coding is open within the CReATIVe research group ( creative) at the I3S laboratory UMR 6070 of University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis and CNRS.

Title. Secure low bit rate video coding using H.264

Subject. The fellow will be working on research projects about digital video coding. Two main projects are on the run. The first one is about the improvement of H.264 performances at low and very low bit rate, by the introduction of a new coding mode. The new coding mode is based on the quantization of motion vectors, and should provide better RD characteristics than classical H.264 modes in low bit-rate conditions. The fellow is expected to :
- Participate to meetings with project partners (France Télécom Paris) ;
- Design, implement and test the new coding mode (together with CReATIVe team members) ;
- Write advancement reports about the project. The second main project is about the secured delivery and playing of video contents over SIM cards for cellular phones (SecureMediaSIM, ANR/RIAM project). The fellow is expected to :
- Participate to meetings with project partners (France Télécom, Gemalto, Atmel, NXP, F2E, EPU Polytech’Nice) ;
- Design and analyze methods of video delivering and playing in the case of secured transmission.

Required skills and competences. The candidate should have strong basis in image processing, information theory, and data compression. He/she should have adequate skills in Matlab, C and C++ programming.

Duration. 1 year Contact. Marc Antonini e-mail : telephone : +33.(0)

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