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7 juillet 2009

call for abstracts for new anthology - gender/sexualities/media

Gender, Sexuality/ies and the Media : Communicating Identity in a Post-Ironic Age

An anthology of new essays, edited by Karen Ross (for Wiley-Blackwell), to be published in 2011

Call for abstracts

Hello colleagues – I have been invited by Wiley-Blackwell to edit an anthology of new writing on topics associated with the terms of the title. The anthology is likely to comprise approximately 30 chapters of between 7000 and 9000 words each (including footnotes and references). I am therefore seeking expressions of interest in contributing to the anthology. I am still at the planning stage, but imagine that the book will be organised around specific media which will definitely include television, radio, print and web, but could also extend to other entertainment media such as popular literature, film and music depending on the scope and breadth of submissions received. This organising concept might change in the light of the character of the final commissioned essays, so in the first instance, the expression of interest should take the form of a short abstract (300-500 words) on a topic which speaks to some aspect of the gender/media and/or sexuality/ies/media relationship, not excluding topics which speak to multiple identity positions and their media frames. At this stage, all topics are welcome and encouraged.

I am still putting together the proposal so an early response to this invitation would be most welcome as I plan to submit the proposal by mid-August and would like to include an indication at least of the kind of material which the anthology will cover and hopefully with some potential named contributors as well !

The likely timescale (after receipt of abstracts) is that authors whose topics are selected to be developed as draft chapters (on the basis of the abstract) will have a deadline of mid-2010 for first drafts, late fall 2010 for any required revisions, with a likely publication date of summer 2011.

If you interested in contributing a chapter to the anthology, please send me your abstract as above, by Monday 3 August 2009 and I very much look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes

Karen Ross

Karen Ross Professor of Media and Public Communication Director of Postgraduate Research and Associate Dean (Academic) School of Politics and Communication Studies University of Liverpool Roxby Building Liverpool L69 7ZT, UK mob : 07798 884110 office : 0151 794 2310 e : Editor, Communication, Culture & Critique :

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